
45 Good ways to Improve your Mood Today

45 Good ways to Improve your Mood Today


Sometimes it gets dark during the day or it is difficult to go out.

Maybe something happened at work, you are in a difficult situation or you don’t have good news. Hey, we’re all here and you’re not always alone in life!

While good habits developed over time are the best way to enjoy life, sometimes you need a little help from your body and mind to overcome an obstacle.

Consider these short actions that won’t take more than a few minutes of your time but will instantly improve your mood.

Tips and tricks to improve your mood

Choose one or more of these things and commit to doing them. Discover how one small action can instantly improve your mood. Pick a random number or scroll through the list to find the craziest idea of ​​the moment.

  1. Text an old friend about your favourite memories together.
  2. Smile: Even a forced smile can cause your mind to release feel-good hormones.
  3. Watch your favourite episode of one of your favourite TV shows.
  4. Hire someone! If you know each other, you will both be happy. They might even give you a fake compliment.
  5. Take a few deep, conscious breaths. We enter through the nose and exit through the mouth.
  6. Open YouTube. Put “[insert pet name here] your favourite videos” in the writing.
  7. Play an upbeat playlist that makes you happy.
  8. Write three things you like about yourself. Helps develop empathy and self-esteem.
  9. Call or video chat with a loved one to strengthen your relationship and get emotional support.
  10. Send a request to someone today or over the weekend. It could reduce your anxiety and increase your happiness.
  11. Get out and run fast. If it’s a sunny day, extra points for improving your mood.
  12. Browse through old photographs to relive good memories.
  13. Get up and do 25 jumping jacks for a fun experience. You feel alive and look back to 2017 Brain Plasticity found that people reported an improvement in their mood after exercise.
  14. Take a free guided meditation or spend five minutes with your eyes closed and imagine one of your favorite places in the world.
  15. Perform a random act of kindness toward someone to create a feeling of happiness and satisfaction.
  16. If you want, extend the exercise from five to twenty minutes and enjoy the “runner” even more.
  17. Volunteer, volunteer, or simply help someone in need.
  18. Turn on the relaxing sounds of nature and listen as attentively (or passively!) as you like.
  19. Buy the drink you want and pay for whoever is behind you in line.
  20. Write a thank you letter to a coworker who recently did something kind for you, promoted you, or supported you.
  21. Write to a friend or family member you respect and tell them how much they mean to you.
  22. Read a story or poem that inspires you to awaken creativity and feel emotional strength.
  23. Play with your pets. Research shows that petting, playing, and cuddling our pets can release endorphins and improve our mood! 
  24. Kiss your boyfriend or partner for five to ten seconds. Trust us: it works!
  25. Don’t you have a dear friend to hug or a pet to hug? Grab a pillow and hug it tightly for a few seconds to release tension and relax.
  26. Pour yourself a nice cup of herbal tea, hold it in your hand and enjoy the flavour and aroma.
  27. Listen to your favourite song and let it go!
  28. Open the door for someone and smile.
  29. Ask a friend, family member or colleague if they can help you with anything.
  30. Practice the 5-4-3-2-1 linking technique: Say five things you see, four things you can touch, three things you hear, two things you feel, and one thing you can taste.
  31. Play a quick puzzle, such as a brain game or word game, to stimulate your mental functions and distract yourself from negative thoughts.
  32. Try the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT). This therapy helps release negative emotions. With EFT you use specific meridian points on the body (for example, skull, chin or neck) and at the same time say affirmations. This reduces stress and promotes relaxation.
  33. Grab a journal and write down five things you are grateful for. Gratitude is a practice that can improve your mood.
  34. Plan something fun for the weekend so you have something to look forward to in the days to come!
  35. Treat yourself to a quick facial massage to relieve tension and promote relaxation. Focus on the jaw and temple area.
  36. Listen to an inspiring TedTalk and discover new tools to apply in your life.
  37. Write down what causes you stress, sadness or discomfort and what solutions you can try to overcome the problem.
  38. Get up and stretch for a few minutes. Stick your toes up, stick them in the air and you could knock over dogs or cats!
  39. Open the window, close your eyes for a few minutes and breathe fresh air.
  40. To appreciate the beauty of nature, watch the sunset or sunrise. Watch the sky change colour in minutes.
  41. Practice positive visualization: Visualize yourself achieving a goal or living your dream in a vivid and detailed way.
  42. Take a glass of cold water and drink it. Sometimes you are happy if your thirst is quenched.
  43. Watch a short video or show with your favourite comedian that always makes you laugh.
  44. Take a few minutes to immediately organize the space around you. Throw out all the trash and throw away what you don’t need. A clean room improves your mood.
  45. If you’re sleepy, take a nap.

Whatever technique you choose to improve your mood, allow yourself to trust and enjoy it. And don’t hesitate to do several things on the list at the same time; This will only make you feel better!

Read more: The Healthiest Time to have Breakfast

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