
How Bathing can improve your Health – WSN

How Bathing can improve your Health

Ice baths and cold baths may be all the rage these days, but don’t sleep in a hot bath: According to experts and researchers, Bathing can also have many health benefits.

“As we move through the world, the mind and body are inextricably linked, constantly exchanging information and reacting to each other,” explains Sarah St. John, an energy healer and the owner of the London spa Gray Wolfe.

“Our bodies affect our emotions, and our emotions affect our bodies.” Taking healing ritual baths is one method we may cope with these bad energies and get them out of our bodies.

So a long bath in hot water is just what the doctor ordered.

5 Ways Bathing Can Improve Your Health

# A bath can reduce stress and anxiety

Irregular fluctuations in rhythm (the daily biological changes that affect our bodies and brains and tell us when it is time to get up and go to sleep) are common in people with depression and anxiety.

Changes in these rhythms also cause changes in body temperature. The bath itself is not only a relaxing ritual, but also a great way to raise your body temperature and return to a more normal daily rhythm.

A study conducted by the University of Freiburg in Germany found this to be the case when examining 45 people suffering from depression.

St. John suggests that swimming in the bathtub can induce a sense of womb-like comfort, potentially due to elevated cortisol levels associated with constant stress.

Too much cortisol can not only cause sleep problems but can also have negative effects on everything from your skin to digestion and the nervous system.

“Most of us feel a sense of relief after a long bath because it naturally lowers cortisol levels,” adds St. John. “Cortisol is the so-called stress hormone. So when there’s less cortisol in our system, we feel more relaxed.”

# Bathing can increase feelings of happiness

In addition to reducing cortisol levels, a warm bath can calm the nervous system by stimulating the body to release neurotransmitters such as serotonin, which contribute to happiness and well-being.

“The skin releases endorphins in response to warm, relaxing water, just as endorphins are released when you feel the sun on your skin,” adds St. John.

Bathing is also believed to activate the parasympathetic nervous system, making you feel calmer and more relaxed. One study even reported that two baths per week were enough to slightly but permanently improve mood, an effect comparable to that of exercise.

How Bathing can improve your Health 1

# Bathing can reduce inflammation

In addition to relaxing the mind, bathing is a full-body spa treatment that can relieve many physical ailments.

A hot bath causes blood vessels to dilate, which increases blood flow to your muscles and allows them to relax. The heat of the water is also important in increasing the elasticity of collagen fibres, which helps reduce the stiffness that often occurs after exercise. and improves mobility.

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Increased blood flow can also improve heart health by reducing blood viscosity, allowing it to flow better throughout the body.

# A bath can improve lung function

The effect of a hot bath is not only limited to muscle or limb pain but can also improve lung function and is therefore particularly suitable for asthmatics or people with chronic lung diseases.

Better blood circulation means that oxygen can circulate freely throughout the body, which helps improve lung capacity and helps us breathe deeper and easier.

It can also be a good remedy for colds. “The steam created in a warm bath can relieve unpleasant cold symptoms,” says St. John. “This will clear the nasal passages and unblock the chest and sinuses.”

# Bathing in the bathtub can strengthen immunity

Raising body temperature is an important tool that helps the body fight infections. According to recent research, bathing for just 20 to 30 minutes can increase the production of white blood cells, which are crucial for combating infections and are a vital component of the body’s immune system.

By adding natural germicidal essential oils you can further improve the effect of the bath. Eucalyptus, rosemary and mint have an antibacterial effect and give flavour to the water.

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